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Sadhana Blog
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New Wellness Class
The term Wellness is all the vibe at this moment in time. Many of us may believe that this is a new concept or a shift in the collective...

Tips for Practice
During this difficult time, we will all be missing class and it may be difficult to find motivation to practice. It is my hope that these...

Yoga for the mind
It is still fascinating as a Yoga teacher how many times I have heard people who “do yoga” say they had no idea that yoga is primarily...

2019 Beginner Course Open
It is important to understand what beginners yoga means. The term ‘beginner’ implies a person who has never tried Yoga before. However,...

How am I?
In today's world of physical and mental health all sorts of initiatives are being invented and promoted, the “R U OK?” movement is just...

The role of trust in injuries
Wherever we turn today, there are numerous therapies for pain relief, many good and effective, some not so. The majority of them are...
Disease begins in the mind
How does disease of the body start? Can it be prevented? What is the Ayurvedic approach?

Testimonials from Ayurvedic Workshop
The workshop was aimed at tapping into the bodies own natural intelligence and becoming aware of how the food feels passed the lips and...
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