Why has mindful eating become so difficult?
"In traditional Japanese culture there is a meditative form of eating called Ōryōki. It translates as ‘just enough’ and emphasises the practice of mindfulness. Zen teachers say that taking meals with Ōryōki cultivates gratitude, mindfulness, and a better understanding of the self. Mindful eating is a cure to the way we are living these days." Yuppie Chef

"Most of us live distracted lives. Every moment in our day is filled with thoughts of the things we wish we were doing, situations we’re worried about or a list we have to tick off. Even when we are sitting still, our minds are never quiet... When last did you sit and just take in the moment, appreciate the view, or relish the task at hand? We are losing the ability to just be; to live a present life." When is the last time you paid attention to what you ate?
We at Byron Buddha Bowls want you to think, relish, enjoy and savour every bite.
Taste every bite–really taste it–and you’ll appreciate all the thought and care that has gone into it. Byron Buddha Bowls puts real effort, attention, research and careful ingredient decisions into their cooking and creation of their Buddha Bowls.
Also give thought to where your food has come from. We source all our ingredients locally and organically where possible.
Think about how your food is served - we resource all our plates and utensils from a sustainable, recyclable resource.
What happens to the wastage - any food that is consumed does NOT go into landfill/bin, nothing is thrown away. It is delivered that very day to a local charity to feed our people that are doing it tough and need a decent, healthy meal.
Please also remember that you are supporting a local family business through your purchase! Thank You!